Sažetak | Huntingtonova je bolest autosomatska-dominantna, progresivna, neurodegenerativna bolest koja uključuju simptome poput koreje i distonije, poremećaja koordinacije, disfunkcije kognitivnih vještina i bihevioralne probleme. Prevalencija pojavnosti Huntingtonove bolesti pokazuje da se pojavljuje češće u bijelaca, u oko 5-7 na 100 000 osoba. Na motornome planu najviše se ističe problem pojave koreje, distonije i rigiditeta te pretjerana aktivnost mišića u vidu nemogućnosti održavanja voljne mišićne kontrakcije na nekoj konstantnoj razini. U početku bolesti najviše će se primijetiti u finoj motorici, a tek nešto kasnije kao poremećaji grube motorike. Bilo kakav program vježbi koji je primjeren godinama i stupnju onesposobljenja osobe s HB-i (Huntingtonove bolesti) učinkovit je jer zadržava optimalan tonus mišića te prevenira skraćenje muskulature, kontrakture i zakočenost zglobova što često nastupa progresijom bolesti te je važno da intenzitet vježbanja ipak ne bude prenizak. Pozitivne učinke fizioterapijske intervencije pokazuju u vidu balansa, kardiovaskularne funkcije, motorne funkcije i performanse, mišićne snage, prevencije padova, povećanja fizičke aktivnosti, poboljšanja pulmonalne funkcije, smanjenja broja plućnih infekcija, prevencije spasticiteta i kontraktura, poboljšanja i očuvanja hoda i izdržljivosti te smanjenja incidencije depresije, anksioznosti i apatije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Huntington's disease is an autosomal-dominant, progressive, neurodegenerative disease which includes symptoms such as chorea and dystonia, coordination disorders, cognitive skill dysfunctions, and behavioural troubles. The prevalence of Huntington's disease shows that it occurs more often in white people, in about 5-7 per 100,000 people. On the motor functioning level, the problem of the appearance of chorea, dystonia, and rigidity is most pronounced, as well as excessive muscle activity in the form of the inability to maintain voluntary muscle contraction at a constant level. At the beginning of the disease, it will be most noticeable in the fine motor skills, and only a little later as disorders of gross motor skills. Any exercise program is appropriate for the age and degree of disability of a person with HD (Huntington's disease) as it is effective in maintaining optimal muscle tone and preventing muscle contractures and joint stiffness, which often progress. It is also important that exercise intensity is not too low. Positive effects of physiotherapy interventions include balance, cardiovascular function, motor function and overall performance quality, muscle strength, fall prevention, increased physical activity, improved pulmonary function, reduced lung infections, prevention of spasticity and contractures, preserved gait and endured, and reduction of incidence of depression, anxiety and apathy. |