Sažetak | Dana 28. svibnja 2022. godine u hrvatski pravni poredak je hrabro iskoračio jedan od suvremenijih, Zakon o zaštiti potrošača (Narodne novine broj 19/2022). Dana 25. lipnja 2023. nadograđen je novim Zakonom o zaštiti potrošača NN 59/23 koji dodatno regulira zaštitu potrošača kroz vid digitalizacije, kao primjerice, pohrane prigovora na trajne medije i slično. Tim Zakonima, implementira se obvezna Direktiva (EU) 2019/2161 Europskog parlamenta i vijeća od 27. studenog 2019. o izmjeni Direktive Vijeća 93/13/EEZ, direktiva 98/6/EZ, 2005/29/EZ te 2011/83/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća Ovim se Zakonom u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo preuzima, Direktiva (EU) 2020/1828 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 25. studenoga 2020. o predstavničkim tužbama za zaštitu kolektivnih interesa potrošača u težnji efektivnijeg i ujednačenog izvršavanja i modernizacije pravila Unije o zaštiti potrošača („Direktiva EU“) u domaći pravni izvor. Radi se o suvremenom europskom dinamičnom pravu svih država članica, jer samo dobro informiran potrošač ima moć efektivno zaštiti samog sebe, a s obzirom na otvorenost europskog tržišta, pravodobna zaštita i nametanja prava i obveza kako potrošača tako i trgovca, bitno sužava daljnje prijepore i nezadovoljstva. Republika Hrvatska spomenutom Direktivama EU osuvremenjuje sustav zaštite potrošača koji je uslijed društvene evolucije, a dodatno ubrzan pandemijom Covid -19, nesporno čeznuo za nadogradnjom, prvenstveno u nepopularnim problematikama pri kupnji proizvoda ili usluga putem interneta. Ovim novim Zakonom, zakonodavac je prvenstveno nadogradio i prilagodio temeljne odrednice uz instrumente zaštite potrošača „novoj eri“, s ciljem adekvatnog odgovora na nedostatke koji su se u praksi pokazali nažalost učestalim. |
Sažetak (engleski) | On May 28, 2022, one of the more modern ones, the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 19/2022), bravely entered the Croatian legal order. On June 25, 2023, it was upgraded with the new NN Law on Consumer Protection NN 59/23, which additionally regulates consumer protection through digitization, such as, for example, the storage of complaints about permanent media and the like. These Laws implement the mandatory Directive (EU) 2019/2161 of the European Parliament and the Council of November 27, 2019 amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC, Directive 98/6/EC, 2005/29/EC and 2011/83/ EU of the European Parliament and of the Council This Act transposes into Croatian legislation Directive (EU) 2020/1828 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2020 on representative actions for the protection of collective interests of consumers in the pursuit of more effective and uniform execution and modernization of Union rules on the protection consumer ("EU Directive") into a domestic legal source.. It is a modern European dynamic law of all member states, because only a well-informed consumer has the power to effectively protect himself, and given the openness of the European market, timely protection and imposition of rights and obligations both the consumer and the trader, significantly narrows down further disputes and dissatisfaction. With the mentioned EU Directives, the Republic of Croatia is modernizing the consumer protection system, which due to social evolution and additionally accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, undeniably longed for an upgrade, primarily in unpopular issues when buying products or services online. With this new Law, the legislator has primarily upgraded and adapted the basic guidelines along with consumer protection instruments to the "new era", with the aim of adequately responding to the shortcomings that have unfortunately turned out to be frequent in practice. |