Abstract | Tjelesne ili motoričke sposobnosti predstavljaju osobine čija je svrha riješiti zadani motorički zadatak. One se mogu opisivati, testirati i izmjeriti. Primarne su motoričke sposobnosti snaga, brzina, fleksibilnost, koordinacija, preciznost, ravnoteža, agilnost i izdržljivost. Testovi kojima se procjenjuje razina neke motoričke sposobnosti primjenjuju se gotovo u svim sportovima, pomažu u selekciji sportaša i evaluaciji treninga. Testovi kojima se utvrđuje snaga su brojni, a najčešće se primjenjuju skokovi, izbačaj medicinske lopte u vis, zgibovi s pothvatom, bench press, sklekovi i podizanje trupa. Primjeri testova kojima se procjenjuje brzina su testiranje vizualnih, auditivnih i kinestetičkih podražaja, testiranje brzine kretanja na određenoj udaljenosti i sl. Testiranje fleksibilnosti sportaša najčešće uključuje test odnoženja u ležećem bočnom položaju, pretklon u raskoračnom položaju ili na klupi, zanoženje u ležećem položaju na prsima i sl. Testovi kojima se utvrđuje koordinacija sportaša najčešće su test provlačenja i preskakivanja te provođenje poligona prepreka unatraške Testiranje preciznosti sportaša najčešće se provodi testiranjem preciznosti ciljanjem drvenom palicom ili gađanjem mete loptom. Testiranje ravnoteže sportaša najčešće uključuje stajanje na klupi za balans s otvorenim ili zatvorenim očima, stajanje na dvije noge poprečno ili stajanje na jednoj nozi. Za testiranje agilnosti sportaša najčešće se koristi japan test, kretanja u stranu ili u trokut. Za testiranje izdržljivosti sportaša najčešće se koriste ''Yo-Yo'' test, '' i ''30-15 intermitentni fitness'' test. Važno je odabrati odgovarajuće testove i sportašu pružiti holistički i individualan pristup. |
Abstract (english) | Physical or motor skills represent characteristics whose purpose is to solve a given motor task. They can be described, tested and measured. Primary motor skills are strength, speed, flexibility, coordination, precision, balance, agility and endurance. Tests that assess the level of some motor ability are applied in almost all sports, they help in the selection of athletes and the evaluation of training. Tests that determine strength are numerous, and the most commonly used are jumps, throwing a medicine ball into the air, pull-ups with effort, bench press, push-ups, and trunk lifting. Examples of tests that assess speed are testing of visual, auditory and kinesthetic stimuli, testing the speed of movement over a certain distance, etc. Testing of the flexibility of athletes most often includes a test of lying on the side, bending over in a striding position or on a bench, squatting in a lying position on the chest, etc. Tests that determine the coordination of athletes are most often a pull-up and jumping test and the implementation of a backward obstacle course Testing the accuracy of athletes most often is carried out by testing accuracy by aiming with a wooden stick or shooting a target with a ball. Athlete balance testing most often involves standing on a balance bench with eyes open or closed, standing on two legs crosswise, or standing on one leg. To test the agility of athletes, the flip-flop test, moving to the side or in a triangle, is most often used ''Yo-Yo'' test and ''30-15 intermittent fitness'' test. It is important to choose appropriate tests and provide the athlete with a holistic and individual approach. |