Abstract | Obitelj je temeljna društvena skupina koja, ovisno o povijesnom i društveno-ekonomskom razvoju, okuplja osobe vezane brakom i njihove potomke, a eventualno i širi ili uži krug krvnog srodstva, koji se okupljaju radi zadovoljavanja različitih bioloških potreba, ekonomske potrebe, društvene, obrazovne, emocionalne i druge potrebe. Obitelj je u općenitom smislu društvena skupina povijesno promjenjivog oblika unutar kojeg se odvija proces reprodukcije koji uključuje rađanje, odrastanje i umiranje ljudskih jedinki, s jedne strane, koji se odvija kroz proces socijalizacije, individualizacije i zaštite psihosocijalne stabilnosti i integriteta odraslih pojedinaca. Prema onome što brak znači u društvu, kao i onome što propisuje Obiteljski zakon, bračni supružnici dužni su jedno drugome biti vjerni, međusobno se pomagati, poštivati i održavati skladne bračne i obiteljske odnose. Riječ je o ozbiljnim, važnim i teškim odlukama i obvezama, o kojima svi koji planiraju sklopiti brak i osnivati obitelj. Međutim, napredak u potpomognutim reproduktivnim tehnologijama (umjetna oplodnja) izazvao je niz etičkih pitanja. Etička pitanja uključuju rizike nekih tehnika neplodnosti, kao što su višestruke trudnoće i korištenje selektivnih pobačaja. Drugi se vrte oko pitanja o tome što čini obitelj i povezanost te smatraju li ljudi problematičnim da djeca dođu u obitelj na druge načine osim da biološki roditelji rađaju biološku djecu bez pomoći tehnologije. |
Abstract (english) | The family is the fundamental social unit that, depending on historical and socio-economic development, gathers individuals bound by marriage and their descendants, as well as potentially broader or narrower circles of kinship, who come together to meet various biological needs, economic needs, social, educational, emotional, and other needs. In a general sense, the family is a social group of a historically variable form within which the process of reproduction takes place, including birth, growth, and death of individuals, on one hand, and occurs through processes of socialization, individualization, and the protection of the psychosocial stability and integrity of adult individuals. According to what marriage means in society, as well as what is prescribed by the Family Law, spouses are obliged to be faithful to one another, to assist each other, respect, and maintain harmonious marital and family relations. These are serious, important, and challenging decisions and obligations for anyone planning to marry and start a family. However, advances in assisted reproductive technologies (artificial insemination) have raised numerous ethical questions. Ethical issues include the risks of some infertility techniques, such as multiple pregnancies and the use of selective abortions. Others revolve around questions of what constitutes a family and the bonds within it, and whether people find it problematic for children to come into a family in ways other than through biological parents having biological children without the aid of technology. |