Abstract | Marketing je društveni proces koji u društvu usmjerava tok proizvoda od proizvođača prema potrošaču tako da efektivno susreću ponudu i potražnju te ispunjavaju ciljeve društva. Marketing je prisutan već dugi niz godina i bez njega poduzeće teško može steći veliki uspjeh – što lokalno, pa tako i globalno. Trendovi, želje, navike te same potrebe potrošača mijenjaju se konstantno te se zajedno s time mijenjaju i strategije marketinga. Nekada je to bio jedan oglas u novinama, radiju i sl., dok danas marketing raspolaže mnogim drugim alatima, kao što su odnosi s javnošću, internet, videoporuke, oglasi, sve veći razvoj tehnologije, društvene mreže, razne aplikacije i sl. Poznato je da koncepcija marketinga nije nastala odjednom niti je ostala nepromijenjena. Ona se stalno mijenja u ovisnosti o razvoju čimbenika okoline sustava marketinga.
Razvoj novih tehnologija utječe na promjene u čovjekovu ponašanju, te na stvaranje „digitalnog marketinga“. U pogledu marketinga, najveća se promjena događa prilikom odabira određenog proizvoda ili usluge koje potrošač želi koristiti. Također, sami marketinški stručnjaci pokušavaju ostvariti dublje i što osobnije veze s postojećim i potencijalnim potrošačima. Takvo ponašanje je bilo motiv tvrtkama da odu što dublje u analizu i približe se samom čovjeku kao potrošaču što je više moguće. |
Abstract (english) | Marketing is a social process that directs the product course from the producer to the
consumer, so that it effectively meets the offer and demand and meets the goals of society.
Marketing has been present for many years, and without it, it is difficult for a company to gain
great success, locally or globally. Trends, desires, habits and consumer needs are constantly
changing and marketing strategies are changing along with them. Before it was an
advertisement in newspapers, radio, etc., while marketing today uses many other tools, such
as public relations, the Internet, video messages, advertisements, increasing technology
development, social networking, various applications, and so on. It is known that the concept
of marketing did not occur at one time or remained unchanged. It is constantly changing
depending on the development of the environmental factors in the marketing system.
The development of new technologies influences changes in people's behavior, as well as
the creation of "digital marketing". In terms of marketing, the biggest change occurs when
choosing a particular product or service that the consumer wants to use. Also, marketing
professionals themselves are trying to achieve deeper and more personalized relationships
with existing and potential consumers. Such behavior was a motive for companies to go
deeper into the analysis and to approach the consumer as much as possible. |