Author Josip Parić
Mentor Slavica Janković (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Pejić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Janković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Bujišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Applied Sciences "Lavoslav Ružička" in Vukovar Vukovar
Defense date and country 2019-05-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Svrha ovog rada je opisati anatomiju kuka, osteoartritis te samo liječenje osteoartritisa. Osteoartritis (OA) je najčešća zglobna bolest kod odraslih te kao takva ima veliko medicinsko značenje. OA kao bolest zahvaća sva tkiva od kojih se sastoji zglob: hrskavicu, kost, ligamente, mišiće te sinovijalnu i zglobnu čahuru. Nastaje najčešće kao posljedica mehaničkih i bioloških čimbenika. Glavni simptomi osteoartritisa su: bol, smanjena pokretljivost u samome zglobu, slabost okolnih mišića te
... More narušena funkcija zgloba i zglobnih tijela. Svi simptomi zajedno uzrokuju onesposobljenost, što znači da osoba koja pati od osteoartritisa ne može samostalno obavljati neke aktivnosti koje su joj potrebne za daljnji život. Lijek za OA ne postoji te se preventivno može djelovati na simptome da se bolest kao takva ne razvije dalje. Cijela rehabilitacija se bazira na prevenciji simptoma i daljnjeg razvoja bolesti. Terapija ima za svrhu smanjenje boli, povratak funkcije unutar zgloba te prevenciju daljnjeg razvoja bolesti. Liječenje može biti farmakološko, nefarmakološko (edukacija te tjelovježba i fizikalna terapija) i kirurško. Farmakološko liječenje se bazira na smanjenju bola uzimanjem analgetika, uz mnoge druge lijekove koji imaju utjecaj na sami zglob i tetive. Ne farmakološko se bazira na teoriji fizičke aktivnosti koja pomaže u oporavku zgloba te uz pravilnu edukaciju progresija bolesti se može znatno usporiti. Ako ostale metode zakažu kirurško liječenje nastupa, to znači da se bolesti pristupa sa kirurške strane u vidu toalete zgloba (artroskopija). Uz daljnje napredovanje bolesti, također može doći do totalne endoproteze zgloba što je zadnja linija obrane. Liječenje OA najčešće se provodi kroz fizikalnu terapiju i fizioterapijske procedure i postupke. Procedure mogu biti aktivne i pasivne prirode. U aktivne procedure se ubraja kineziterapija koja za zadaću ima upotrebu pokreta u svrhu liječenja, dok u pasivne procedure se ubrajaju metode koje za svrhu imaju smanjenje boli (analgeziju). Aktivna procedura za cilj ima povećanje mišićne snage, opsega pokreta, izdržljivosti te vraćanje funkcije u zglobu. Kineziterapija kao aktivna procedura ima pozitivan utjecaj na funkciju zgloba, smanjenje boli te progresiju bolesti. U pasivne procedure najčešće se ubrajaju krioterapija, parafin, TENS, IFS, DDS, ultrazvuk te magnetoterapija i balneoterapija. Kroz cijeli postupak rehabilitacije osobu vodi obiteljski liječnik i nadležni fizijatar. Glavna terapijska preporuka kod liječenja OA je kineziterapija te fizička aktivnost. Less
Abstract (english) The purpose of this thesis is to describe the anatomy of the hip, osteoarthritis as a disease and the treatment of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease in adults and as such, has a great medical significance. OA affects all od the tissues that joint consists of: cartilage, bone, ligament, muscle, and synovial and joint cuff. It occurs most often as a result of mechanical and biological factors. The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are: pain, decreased
... More mobility of the joints, weakness of the surrounding muscles and impaired joint function. All the symptoms together cause disability, which means that a person suffering from osteoarthritis can’t, independently, perform some of the activities needed for further life. There is no medical cure for OA but further development of illness can be prevented. Complete therapy and rehabilitation has the purpose of reducing pain, restoring the function of the joint and preventing further development of the disease. Treatment can be pharmacological, non-pharmacological (education, physical exercise and physical therapy) and surgical. Pharmacological treatment is based on reducing pain by taking analgesics, along with many other medications that affect the joint and tendons themselves. A nonpharmacological approach is based on the theory that physical activity helps in the recovery of the joint and that with the proper training, progression of the disease can be significantly slowed down. If other methods hinder, there is a surgical treatment. It means that the ailments are approached by surgical side with joint toilets (arthroscopy). With further progression of the disease, it is also possible to do the total joint replacement with endoprosthesis as the last line of defense. OA treatment is usually performed through physical therapy and physiotherapy procedures. Physiotherapy procedures can be active and passive. The active procedures include kinesitherapy, which uses movement for the treatment purposes, while passive procedures include methods for reducing pain (analgesia). Goals of an active procedure are increased muscle strength, range of movement, endurance, and restoration of joint function. Kinesitherapy as an active procedure has a positive effect on the function of the joint, reduction of pain and progression of the disease. Most commonly used passive procedures are cryotherapy, paraffin, TENS, IFS, DDS, ultrasound, magnetotherapy and balneotherapy. Throughout the entire rehabilitation process, a person is guided by competent family physician. The main therapeutic recommendation for treating OA is kinesitherapy and physical activity. Less
fizikalne procedure
Keywords (english)
Physiotherapy procedures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:150:267580
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-05-23 07:24:03