Abstract | Kupovina je postala sastavni dio svakodnevice i uvelike utječe na život pojedinca. Osoba je primorana odvojiti vrijeme i novac kako bi obavila kupovinu, nebitno je li riječ o prehrambenim proizvodima, odjevnim ili nekim drugim. Kada je riječ o luksuzima koje si pojedinac želi priuštiti, tada se radi o mogućnosti izbora odlaska u kupovinu jer on ne ovisi o tim proizvodima kao što je slučaj za kućanskim potrepštinama. Također, ljudi odlaze u kupovinu iz razonode, provode sate u trgovačkim centrima jer ih to opušta, rješava stresa i podiže im raspoloženje. Ponašanje potrošača može se definirati kao proces kupovanja i konzumiranja određenih proizvoda i usluga u kojem oni sami odlučuju kako troše svoj novac. Nagon, uzbuđenje, zadovoljstvo, hedonizam, iracionalnost i emotivnost su uzročnoposljedični elementi impulzivne kupovine. Impulzivna kupovina je spontana i potaknuta iznenadnim željama te je u današnje vrijeme sve zastupljenija. Za impulzivne kupce kaže se da traže novitete i spremni su eksperimentirati u potrošnji, a često žele ispuniti potrebe koje su višeg hijerarhijskog ranga. S obzirom na to da je impulzivna kupovina oblik kupovine o kojoj se odlučuje u trenutku, predstavlja problem za ljude koji trenutno nemaju novca. Zbog te, nerijetko prisutne pojave, marketinški stručnjaci odlučili su učiniti kupovinu jednostavnijom i dostupnijom svim staležima. Tako su nastali bankomati, kreditne kartice, dulje radno vrijeme, online prodaja i slično što je znatno pojednostavilo kupovinu. Upravo zbog toga, potrošači kupuju više jer ne smatraju da troše vlastiti novac ako troše budući novac, pa im ta kupovina lakše pada. Kada je riječ o proizvodima široke potrošnje čija je konzumacija neizbježna za egzistenciju, evidentno je da veliki utjecaj na impulzivnu kupovinu imaju i nepovoljni ekonomski uvjeti koji potrošače potiču na kupovinu potrebnih, ali i onih manje potrebnih proizvoda jer se trenutno prodaju po povoljnijim cijenama. Iz toga proizlaze i promjene na tržištu rada pa dolazi do produljenja radnog vremena, uvođenja rada nedjeljom, praznicima, blagdanima i slično. |
Abstract (english) | Shopping has become an integral part of our everyday life and it greatly affects a life of an individual. A person is forced to give time and money to go shopping, irrelevant whether it is about food, clothing or other things that are necessary for existence. When it's about luxury that someone wants afford to them self, then it's about having a choice to go shopping because he does not depend on those products as he is depending on household supplies. Also, people go shopping for fun, they spend hours in shopping malls because that relaxes them, they get rid of stress that way and it lifts up their mood. Behavior of consumer can be defined as a process of shopping an consuming certain products and services in which they alone decide how to spend their money. Instinct, excitement, pleasure, hedonism, irrationality and emotionality are causally consequential elements of impulsive shopping. Impulsive shopping is spontaneous and encouraged by sudden urges and these days it is becoming more and more prevalent. They are saying that the impulsive shoppers are always looking for new things and are ready to experiment in consumption, and often they want to fill thir needs that are of higher hierarchical rank. Considering that the impulsive shopping is a form of shopping in which one decides on the spur of the moment, it's a big problem for people that don't have money at that certain time. Because of that, marketing experts have decided to make shopping easier and more available to all classes. That's how ATMs, credit cards, longer working hours and online sale came into being and all that made shopping more easier. Exactly because of that, consumers are buying more because they do not think they are spending their own money if they are spending future money. When it comes to products of mass consumption whose consumption is inevitable for existence, it's evident that the unfavorable economic conditions have a big impact on impulsive shopping that encourage the consumers to buy things they need but also the things that they don't need because they are selling at a lower price at that time. This results in changes in the labor market, which lead to longer working hours, work on sundays, holidays and such. |