Sažetak | Tema ovog završnog rada je kava kao trgovačka roba – vrste, uvjeti čuvanja i prodaje. Povijest kave seže daleko u prošlost i to u 9. stoljeće kada je otkrivena u Etiopiji odakle se proširila cijelim svijetom, a radilo se o vrsti kave Arabica. Iz Etiopije se proširila na Bliski istok, a s njega u Indiju te Europu, pa preko kolonizatora u većinu zemalja tropskog pojasa u kojemu zbog klimatskih uvjeta raste i danas. Danas u tom pojasu dvije zemlje, Brazil i Vijetnam, proizvode više od polovine cjelokupne svjetske kave. Iz tih zemalja kava se širi cijelim svijetom te kroz procese prženja, skladištenja, pakiranja, čuvanja i prodaje dolazi do nas. Ovim završnim radom prikazana je povijest kave, njen put od 9. stoljeća do danas, kao i procesi proizvodnje kave. Obrađeni su uvjeti čuvanja i skladištenja kave, ambalaža kave kao i uvjeti prodaje kave. Posebna pozornost dana je uvjetima stavljanja na tržište kave u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i na uvjete skladištenja i prodaje kave u Republici Hrvatskoj. Na samome kraju završnog rada obrađene su vrste napitaka od kave u kojima gotovo svi uživamo. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of this final work is coffee as a trade commodity - types, conditions of storage, and sale. The history of coffee goes back to the 9th century when it was discovered in Ethiopia, from where it spread throughout the world, and it was a type of Arabica coffee. From Ethiopia, it spread to the Middle East, and from there to India and Europe, and through colonizers to most of the countries of the tropical zone, where it grows even today due to the climatic conditions. Today, in this zone, two countries, Brazil and Vietnam, produce more than half of the world's coffee. From these countries, coffee spreads throughout the world and reaches us through the processes of roasting, storage, packaging, storage and sale. This final work presents the history of coffee, its journey from the 9th century until today, as well as the processes of coffee production. The conditions of keeping and storing coffee, packaging coffee, as well as the conditions of selling coffee, are covered. Special attention is given to the conditions of placing coffee on the market in the Republic of Croatia, as well as to the conditions of storage and sale of coffee in the Republic of Croatia. At the very end of the final paper, the types of coffee drinks that almost all of us enjoy are covered. |